This stencil project had many steps in order to get the final outcome. I started by taking a picture of my friend. Then, using photoshop, I took out the photo's original value colors and replaced them with four new colors. I printed out the picture with its new values and took a picture of it to project it onto the wall. I traced each of the four values onto four different poster boards. After that, I cut out each poster board as a stencil. One at a time, I spray painted each stencil of value onto a peice of cardboard using the colors: black, blue, pink, and white. When I was done spraying all of the stencils, my original picture with the four values was transfered onto the cardboard. This was a fun experience for me because I have never done anything like it. I have never used spray paint before, so it was challenging at first. It was difficult and time consuming to cut out all of the stencils with a exact-o-knife. Overall, I believe that my stencil was a success and looked some what like my original picture.